
About me

Hi! I am Bálint Hegedüs, a chemical engineer in paper, a software developer at heart and a full-stack web application developer as described in my current job title. You can read about my journey on how did I get from learning chemical engineering to becoming a full-stack developer.
At 2013 I was faced with a huge decision. Do I want to follow my dreams in chemistry, or in information technology. At that time I decided to cast my vote with chemistry, and thus started studying chemical engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. While I enjoyed my time there, I could not stop the calling of software development, so at my final semester I took up a course in programming.
During this time, as I had to decide on my master's, I again started thinking about changing my current field to something more related to IT, but due to personal reasons, I could not make that leap. But that does not deter me from chasing my dreams, I started to search for internship in an IT company. That is how I started working at SAP as an Application Support Intern. While this took me a step closer to my dreams, but I also came to realise, that I do not want to interact with software, I want to make one.
To achieve my goals, I started to focus on my strengths as a chemical engineer, who loves to tinker around with code, and that is how I found my way to the world of PLCs and industrial autmation. As a chemical engineer I had domain knowledge (in the chemical industry), but I also possessed the ability to write code. Because of this, I started working for a small firm, who was a contractor for Egis Pharmaceutical Company. Here, I had the opportunity to plan, and develop software, which controlled the water purification and distribution process for a newly built plant. Also I wrote my master thesis at this company about indastrial automation and ISA-S88 standard.
But my luck turned again and after finishing my master studies in June of 2019, it turned out, the firm I worked for unfortunately could not provide a full-time job for me. Because of this, I started looking for a job (related to industrial automation), and that is how I found my place at Evosoft Hungary as a Test Automation Engineer. I decided to accept this role, as I believed, that I will have the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge with PLCs (as my team was testing the Siemens TIA portal). This turned out to be true, but I also learned (once again) a more valuable lesson. That I do not want to use software but to make one. This is why my career here lasted not even a year, and I left in March of 2020.
Because of my disinterest in beeing a full-time test engineer, I started to help out my friends with a project at the autumn of 2019. This project was so successful for us, that we were able to switch from having this as a side project for us to becoming our full-time work! I continue to work for them as a contractor, and since the start of 2021 not just as a developer, but as the technical lead for the project.



python, typescript, SCL/STL/LAD, C#


flask, vue, .NET, ASP.NET, express, pytest, mocha


Basics of Programming (BMEVIEEAA00), Introduction to python and NLP (BMEVIAUAV35), Machine Learning with Python-From Linear Models to Deep Learning (MITx - 6.86x; audit course)


Linux (Hash Linux, Ubuntu), Windows 7-10


English, Hungarian


Siemens TIA Portal, docker, git/gitlab/github, Rest API, test driven development, domain driven development


You can download my resume by clicking on the download button below